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The expression subject IN (‘Chemistry’,‘Physics’) can be used as a value - it will be 0 or 1.

Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last.

这个题目没有中文,翻译的大概意思是 按照获奖的科学领域跟获奖者的名字来排序,但是 化学和物理要被排在最后

SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel where yr=1984 ORDER BY subject IN ('Physics','Chemistry'),subject asc,winner asc


SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel where yr=1984 
ORDER BY  CASE WHEN subject IN ('Physics','Chemistry') THEN 1 
								ELSE 0 END,
                subject asc,winner asc


SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel where yr=1984 
ORDER BY ( case subject
           when 'Chemistry' then 1
           when 'Physics'   then 1
           else 0
           end),subject asc,winner asc

这里分析一下,以后也用得上,关键在order by subject IN (‘Physics’,‘Chemistry’) ,subject asc,winner asc

后两个比较容易理解 字段名加上asc表示按正常排序,难点在 subject in (xxx)这个表达式,


subject in(xxx)为0的分成一组 排序

subject in(xxx)为1的分成一组 排序


subject in(xxx) desc :新的排序表 就在前面

subject in(xxx) asc :新的排序表 就在后面 (默认asc)